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Aimee Bray - Urban Ink, St Helens


Some of Aimee's prints.

So as some of you know I was in Liverpool this week and the reason for this trip was to get tattooed by a lovely lass called Aimee.

I came across her Instagram page via a small independentclothing company that was using one of her designs on a t-shirt. So ofcourse I had a nosey through her page and began following her. I was blown away by her flash sheets and what she had tattooed on people.

One day she uploaded a flash which included a wolf potrait. For some time I had been googling wolf tattoos to add to my Game of Thrones half sleeve, but I found alot of designs were too corny or just plain boring, When I saw Aimee's design I fell inlove and knew it would fit perfectly with my current pieces. So after a couple of emails here and there my deposit was paid and I booked my train and hotel. And since i was travelling a little over 270 miles we discussed some little, simple fillers.


Some of Aimees's flash's

Aimee work's Urban Ink in St Helens which took me just under half an hour by train (get the express trian and it takes just over 15 minutes!) After getting lost I called the studio and Aimee came and rescued me!

After figuring out each others accents we talked throughout the four and a half hours of getting tattooed. Aimee is a lovely, humble young lady and I was shocked to discover she has only been tattooing for 2 months! If this is her work after 2 months I actually cannot imagine what she is going to be doing in a couple of years. Her style is very unique. I would say neo traditional with a realism twist.

I really pray our paths cross again so I can get some more art done by her. I really hope she will do some Scottish conventions in the near future because I will be first in line at her stall!

I wish Aimee all the best in her tattooing future and I just know she is going to be a phenomenon.

There is a damn good reason why Aimee is May's artist of the month!

Check out her Instagram at

Also she sells prints at

Excuse my swollen arm. These pictures do NOT do these justice!


Grey Wind (Robb Stark's Wolf)



Left: Arrows. Right: Iron Born (GreyJoy). Below: Crow (Nightswatch)


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