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Bomb Cosmetics

I came across Bomb Cosmetics on Amazon when I was searching for essential oils. When I saw the Oh-Too-Cute packaging I researched the company and I was delighted to find out this company is animal friendly, pro recycling and every product is handmade.

Bomb Cosmetics was established over 17 years ago in England and started off at a few trade shows. Now Bomb Cosmetics is supplying these amazing products to over 70 countries.

Recently I have been getting right into my essential oils for home remedies for my allergies and I was really excited to see that this is a main ingrediant for Bomb Cosmetics products.

So ofcourse I added several giftbox's to my Amazon wishlist and this month I ordered the Birds of Paradise box.



For £12 you get 5 products in the Birds of Paradise box. 2 Bath Blasters, 2 Bath Creamers and 1 luxury soap. All these smell gorgeous and I'm sure you will agree, look adorable! What I also love is the little personal touch of a menu inside with a description of each product.


Top left Daisy Roots Blaster; Top right HawaiianFlower Soap; Middle Kontiki Fizz Creamer; Bottom left Hawaii 5 Oh! Creamer; Bottom right Fantasy Island Blaster.

There are many other gift boxes to choose from and they start from as little as £9.98 on their Amazon page and some have as many as 6 products.

Bomb Cosmetics not only creates cute bath products, they also sell candles, essential oils, body butters, massage bars, hair masks, shampoo bars, shower butters, lips balms and face scrubs to name a few.

Check out their Whoopie Blasters (£2.99 each), they look like doughnuts.

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