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Heard of Velvet Matt Lips?

I'm sure alot of you have heard about Limecrime Velvetines? No? Well they created a wonderful formula that applies like a lipgloss and dries to an unbudgeable matt finish. Jeffree Star has also recently released his version of these called Velour Liquid Lipsticks.

However if you live in the Uk it is very expensive to buy these from Uk suppliers. The average cost for a Velvetine is around £35 and although there are some UK suppliers that sell Velour Liquids, these sell out super fast!

So I had a look down the highstreet a few weeks ago and came across MUA Velvet Lip Lacquers. Now for £3 these are a total steal! When I bought these they only had 3 shades available (Kooky, Reckless & Tranquility). These shades are highly pigmented and are budge proof. However I can sometimes find these drying on my lips so I recommend using Lush Julip Lips before use. This exfoliates your lips and moisturises them for an even application. Find these bad boys in Superdrug.

What I love about these products is just how budge proof they are, I never really wear lip products as I suffer badly from allergies and hayfever. But with these bad boys I can be confident knowing my lip colour wont smudge.

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From right to left: Kooky, Reckless & Tranquility.

Rimmel have also launched a line called Apocalips which dry in a similar matt finish. However I find these don't have the same budge proof power as the cheaper alternatives of MUA. Never the less they have some awesome shades and are a non drying to the lips.

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Shade Atomic Rose

LaSplash are another company who have created LOADS of shades with this amazing velvet finish. They have two products to choose from; Smitten Liptint Mouse and Lip Couture. Unfortunatly they are based in America and their internationall shipping is a tad pricey. I have been following this company on Instagram for quite some time and they had a deal where international shipping was $10 from $27. So ofcourse I had to jump on this chance nd ordered 9 products! Both Smitten Liptints and Lip Coutures are $11.98 which works out around £8 each. Included in my shipping was insurance and tracking. My products arrived in just over a week and all in perfect condition. Keep an eye out for other similar offers or just order now! Also I didn't get the awful email for a customs charge, woop!

UPDATE - You can now purchase some La Splash Matt lips at &

Charmed, OG Ghoulsih and Ghoulish_edited.JPG

Charmed, OG Ghoulish, Ghoulish_edited.JPG

Nude shades left to right Charmed, OG Ghoulish & Ghoulish

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Pink shades left to right Rose Garden, Latte Confession & Nymph-adora

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Purple shades left to right Bellatrix, Phantom & Criminal

These matt lip formulas are perfect for the summer. You can rest assure you will not need any touch ups sipping those chilled drinks in the beer garden. Also I'm loving all the statement colours. LaSplash do nearly every single colour, even blue and green! Perfect for daring looks for the festivals.


Shade Criminal by LaSplash

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